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COMA-CHI ends her contract with Pony Canyon


R&B artist COMA-CHI updated her official blog with an important message regarding her musician as a singer.
According to her blog entry, COMA-CHI is no longer under the Pony Canyon sub-label Knife Edge. “I declined the offer to renew my contract with the major label I was a member of. And at present, I don’t intend to transfer to another major label,” she wrote to her fans. “From now on, I’d like to do all of my activities completely free. There was a part of me that was focused on being heard by a lot of people… but now… my values have shifted and I want to sing about reality at my own pace.”
COMA-CHI went on further and explained that she no longer wants to make music for the sake of making money and earning a living. Her choice not to sign with another major label was a result of wanting to express herself as much as she possibly can without causing trouble for her company, or anyone else involved in the creation of her music. COMA-CHI also assured fans that her split from her major label was a peaceful affair, and that she still maintains a friendly relationship with her former company.
Fans were supportive of her decision, commenting, “We’ll always be cheering for you, COMA-chan,” “A big decision to stick to your own intentions… I respect that,” and “I’ll be listening for COMA-CHI-san’s ‘voice from the heart’”.
source : tokyohive

COMA-CHI ends her contract with Pony Canyon


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