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Year of the Dog – 8 Awesome Dogs of 2011

It wasn’t easy sifting through the incredible, insane, hilarious and downright heart-warming moments of doggie awesomeness of 2011.

1. Dog refuses to leave dead Navy SEAL’s side:

Undeniable proof that dog is truly man’s best friend.

‘Hawkeye ‘paid his last respects his best friend, Marine Jon Tumilson by walking up to the casket, lying down in front of it, and heaving a sigh. Reportedly this story alone is responsible for a 32.36% increase in Kleenex’s stockprice in 2011.

2. You have a knife in your head, how can you be so calm?

This is one of those stories that defines vigilantly justice…more specifically an eye for an eye. I can’t get over how calm this brave terrier mix sits moments after a burglar stabbed an eight-inch blade into her skull.

3. The Amazing Commando Dog That Helped Snare Osama Bin Laden:

This special four-legged soldier was a heavily-armored, explosive-sniffing pooch who was strapped to an assault team member and lowered into Bin Laden’s hideout from a Black Hawk helicopter! To ensure their safety, these special four-legged forces are given oxygen masks for helicopter jumps as well as helmets with videocameras for remote monitoring. (Read more)

4. Dog Saves New Family Only Six Hours After Being Adopted:

Gentle giant Hercules proved his worth as a loyal canine companion only six hours after being rescued from an animal shelter by chasing after an intruder who was attempting to break into his new adoptive family’s house. (Read more)

5. Eco-minded French Bulldog Saves Water with Inventive Pup Pre-wash Cycle:

This ridiculous French Bulldog is engaged in what is commonly known as the water saving “pre-wash cycle”

6. I Lean: Seeing-Eye Goose Befriends Blind Dog:

This heart-warming animal odd couple shows that love really is blind! A blind boxer named Baks got a whole new lease on life this year thanks to a good samaritan goose named Buttons who leads vision-impaired Baks around everywhere either by hanging onto him with her neck, or by honking to tell him which way to go. (Read more)

7. Determined Pit Pup Harper, Rescued from Trash Bag, Learns to Walk:

Severely deformed, yet darling pitbull pup Harper was abandoned to die in a trash bag, but angelic shelter workers rescued her and provided her with proper therapy and now she has a new leash on life! Today, Harper is a frisky, happy pup who is gaining more and more mobility each day, to the astonishment of onlookers and medical professionals. (Read more)

8. Greece’s Riot Dog:

Allegedly present at nearly every importantGrecian riot since in 2008, and even braving police with teargas, it is unknown what this tenacious yellow dog, Loukanikos, was protesing, but he is deserving of a nod for getting up out of his tent and getting into the action. (Read more)