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Talk to Any Guy - Bring Him Under Your Spell


Are you shy or can you talk to any guy? When you talk to guys, how do they react? Do they get turned on or do they seem to get turned off? What is it about some girls that mesmerizes men every time they open their mouths? Instead of getting jealous and turning away, analyze what they do and learn to do what they do. Then you, too, can talk to any guy and bring him under your spell.

Notice how the girl who has four or five guys hanging on her every word behaves. She carries herself confidently. She smiles a lot. When a guy talks to her, she seems to be really listening. When he makes a joke, she laughs like it's the funniest joke she's ever heard. She not only laughs, but she reaches out and nudges him playfully on the shoulder.

Are you confident when you talk with men? Do you hold your head high and your body erect? Men are more impressed by a confident woman than they are by shy women. When you talk to any guy with an erect posture and a confident smile, he will be impressed.

Men like to feel good about themselves just like women do. They don't want a woman to dominate a conversation. They like what they say to be listened to and appreciated. The art of conversation is as much about listening as talking. When a woman listens to what a guy has to say and makes him feel like he is witty and clever, he feels like he's ten feet tall. That feeling draws him under her spell.

Finally, there is the art of touching. Don't be afraid to touch a guy you're talking to. A playful nudge can send electric sparks through a man that turn him on as much as a kiss, but because it's so brief and natural, he won't know what happened. He'll be aroused, but not think you did it on purpose. All he will know is that he wants more.

These are the secrets of conversational attraction. Practice them when you talk to any guy and pretty soon you'll have him under your spell.

Talk to Any Guy - Bring Him Under Your Spell