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Australian For Hot: Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

You're in incredible shape. Do you live on tofu and twigs?

No, I love chocolate and fries! I get exercise running through airports with my luggage.

So how can a guy get your attention?

It's a straight-up turn-off when a guy is too nice to me-is that weird? And I go for funny guys. It's not all about looks for me.

What was it like growing up in Australia?

My mom actually put me in a deportment school because I was rough and tough. It gave me confidence to tap into my girlier side.

Is it true that you're huge in Korea?

I have my own show there, My Name is Jessica Gomes, where they follow me around. Korea is fun-I get to be Beyonce for a day.

Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

Jessica Gomes

source : maxim

Australian For Hot: Jessica Gomes


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