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Oh Yeon Seo and Kim Min Seo in Friendly Photos with Jang Na Ra

Photos in which two charismatic evil characters from the drama "Babyfaced Beauty," Kim Min Seo and Oh Yeon Seo, showing big smiles together with Jang Na Ra have been unveiled on the official website for "Babyfaced Beauty," and those photos have raised interest.

Oh Yeon Seo and Kim Min Seo

Kim Min Seo plays a team leader at the design department of the company where Jang Na Ra (So Young) works and Oh Min Seo plays Jang Na Ra's little sister, and the two actresses have actually incurred viewers' hatred as they harassed the female protagonist Jang Na Ra. In particular, Oh Yeon Seo gained the nickname of "mean sister" as she was always cruel to Jang, and Kim Min Seo revealed her evil personality as the story developed in the drama and figuratively drove Jang Na Ra into a corner. But those photos unveiled on the website revealed the two actresses' completely different appearances with bright smiles. Actually, Kim Min Seo has reportedly been known as the best friend of Jang Na Ra on the set. Jang and Kim have shown off their close relationship by contacting each other through their Twitter account even when there was no filming schedule, and their close relationship has become the talk of conversation among their fans. Kim Min Seo actually called Jang Na Ra "my own sister," and Jang Na Ra also always took care of Kim Min Seo. In addition, "mean sister" Oh Yeon Seo looked really close to Jang Na Ra in the unveiled photo. A person from Oh Yeon Seo's agency said, "We think that receiving the spotlight is very favorable to Oh Yeon Seo as she is still a rookie actress, but we have actually worried whether she could have her feelings hurt due to her acting in the drama, as she was still young. But her behavior has become more likable and as she presents more worries about her sister in the drama, more viewers can come to show a favorable response toward her and some viewers may even cheer for her."

"Babyfaced Beauty," which has recorded higher viewer ratings as the story develops more interesting episodes, is broadcast every Monday and Tuesday night at 9:55 pm on KBS 2TV.

Writer: KBSi Jin Young Ju
Picture: A Story
Copyright ⓒ KBS & KBSi - Any illicit reproduction and distribution is prohibited.

source : kbs

Oh Yeon Seo and Kim Min Seo in Friendly Photos with Jang Na Ra


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