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1-1. Parts of speech in Korean (품사)

korean grammar

Parts of speech in Korean

1. 명사 Nouns : 사람 person, 개 dog, 지하철 subway, 사과 apple, 나무 tree

2. 대명사 Pronouns : 나 I, 우리 We, 여기 here, 철수 Ch'olsu

3. 수사 Numerals : 하나 one, 둘 two, 일 one, 이 two

4. 동작동사 Action verbs : 가다 go, 보다 see, 일하다 work

5. 상태동사 Descriptive verbs : 비싸다 be expensive, 좋다 be good, 아름답다 be beautiful

6. 관형사 Adnominals : 새 new, 헌 old, 한 one, 두 two

7. 부사 Adverbs : 참 truly, 대단히 very, 많이 abundantly

8. 감탄사 Exclamations : 아 Ah!, 참 well!, 어마나 on my!

9. 조사 Particles : -이/가, -을/를, -와/과, -에, -에서, -(으)르

Special Features of Korean Grammar

1. The normal word order in a Korean sentence is S(ubject)-O(bject)-V(erb). other features of this word order are

ex)선생님이 학생에게 숙제를 주셨다. The teacher gave the students homework.

2. A rich repertoire of particles and endings

ex)할머니가 좋다 -> 할머님께서는 좋으셨겠습니다. Grandmother is nice. -> Grandmother (honorific) must have been nice.

3. Korean has a highly developed system of honorifics and politeness.

4. Korean freely allows the omission of subjects, objects, complements and predicates. Omission is allowed where context or situation makes recovery of the omitted lement possible.
ex) 선생님은 어디게 가십니까? -> 어디 가십니까? Where are you going, Sir? -> Where are you going?

5. The category of singular vs. plural is not obligatory in Korean.

6. Korean does not have grammatical gender, articles or relative pronouns.

Parts of speech in Korean (품사)


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