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Wii Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) CM オンライン 肉篇

The e-Capcom Limited Edition of Wii Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) is now exclusively available at e-Capcom.

Pre-order now opens with our Shop@Japan service. It is a Limited Edition and thus the availability solely depends on e-Capcom's supply. Monster Hunter fans, don't miss this chance to grab this collector's item before it's sold out!

Wii Monster Hunter 3 (Tri)
# Manufacturer: Capcom
# Platform: Nintendo Wii
# Genre: Action
# Sale day: Aug 1, 2009 Scheduled
# Price:
- Normal Version 7,340yen
- Classic Controller Pro Pack 8,490yen
- e-Capcom Limited Edition 9,440yen

Wii Monster Hunter 3 (Tri) CM オンライン 肉篇