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Virgins With C-Cup Breasts Sought By Tea Plantation

In Henan, China, many cups runneth over as an online advertisement agency seeks out bosomy girls to work as tea pickers on a tea plantation.


As weird and chauvinistic as this may sound, there is reasoning behind this ad campaign that is steeped in tea legend. (Forgive pun).
At the turn of the last century, some Chinese tea sellers experimented with the odd concept of “tea before breasts.” Sixteen-year-old virgins were asked to pick leaves under the darkness of night and stuff the leaves into their clothes between their breasts. The idea was that the leaves would absorb body scent, which would subsequently enhance the flavor of the tea.
Part of the job description issued by the Henan Gushi Xijiuhua Scenic Mountain Development Co., Ltd involves the expectation that the girls retain the leaves in their mouths and spit them into a holder between their breasts before making tea out of them. The selling point is that the tea contains yin (feminine) qualities exemplified by virginity and clovage, as Archie Bunker used to say

Hired girls will be trained and paid 500-yuan ($US 76) daily. They will also be a part of the “Virgin Lips Tea” performance at a tea festival to be held until to May 18.
What can one say beyond the fact that the exalted art of drinking tea seems to have sunk to new lows?
source : weirdasianews
Virgins With C-Cup Breasts Sought By Tea Plantation

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