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Sharon Chan worried Joel Chan gone missing

Sharon Chan
Yesterday Sharon Chan was recording for a TVB cooking show (新派煮意). She laughed and said she rarely goes into the kitchen and only knows how to eat, but over the big holidays she does make steak for her family to enjoy. Sharon said: "I am okay at cooking! I inherited my mom's good stuff, friends have tried my cooking and praised it. In fact, I feel that using fresh ingredients is the most important, just a simple dish is good enough." Sharon's specialty is chicken wings with oyster sauce. Asked if she makes soup herself? She said: "I know how to too! Just dump everything in and boil! But after all my mom is better at it."

When speaking of god-brother Joel Chan, Sharon expressed that she couldn't find him and misses him very much. She expressed:"I am worried about him, but every time I call him it goes to voicemail. Sometimes I would think what on earth is he doing? It's been two months since I last seen him, he hasn't called back in a long time, something isn't wrong is it? Usually when I read the newspapers, I don't know if it's true. I hope he's doing well."Sharon expressed she sent SMS to Joel, but unfortunately he has not replied.

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

Source : hongkongmorning

Sharon Chan worried Joel Chan gone missing


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