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Police report lodged against Tin Pei Ling

SINGAPORE - The Singapore Police Force has confirmed that a report has been filed against Marine Parade GRC MP Tin Pei Ling for allegedly posting comments on her Facebook page on Cooling-off Day.

The Straits Times reported that a complaint was filed by a member of public against Ms Tin for allegedly commenting on her Facebook page about the National Solidarity Party's Nicole Seah crying in public.

The comment read: 'OooOoooOooh! so that's what REALLY happened? Wow. I think tears in Parliament is worse than ANYTHING ELSE!'

According to the Elections Department, publication and display of election advertising, including those on the Internet, are not allowed on Cooling-off Day.

The National Solidarity Party had previously sent a complaint to the Elections Department on Cooling-off Day to the Elections Department regarding the comment.

Ms Tin told The Straits Times that the comment was posted by one of her web administrators, and not by her.

source : asiaone

Police report lodged against Tin Pei Ling