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Kay Tse denies changing companies, welcomes Kary Ng to join her company

Kay Tse
Kay Tse recently attended an AIDS event, regarding reporters publishing that she has received an attempt from the record company Gold Label to 'steal' her away, followed by Kary Ng signing a 3-year contract for 5 million over to Universal Music, Kay Tse said: "The entertainment circle really has a lot of news, my contract with Universal still has some time left, not so fast." (Has Gold Label contacted you?) "Have not heard." (Rumored that Gold Label is using 7-digits to sign you as their number one sister?) "That amazing, that is a good news. I feel I am seafood price, sometimes saying I am of little value, sometimes so valuable.I can only laugh!" (Rumored that Kary Ng will join Universal?) "I do not know, welcome her to join our big family. The company has more men than women, it would be happier with more women. Men having to match up more do not have choices, most of the time it is me."

Kay honestly expressed she does not worry about having thin resources being diluted, even though Universal singers cannot appear on i-Cable, she says: "I work a lot, whether I go on the radio station or television, it does not matter much which place, to me it is not a very big influence." (Hacken Lee said to buy i-Cable advertisements?) "Also good! But he's wealthy, right!"

Source: Eastday
Translated by: starlightcolors @
source : asianfanatics

Kay Tse denies changing companies, welcomes Kary Ng to join her company


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