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Japan’s New Kissing Machine: For That Long Distance Smooch

Whoever would have thought that the frigid hand of technology would invade the private, intimate world of the kiss? Well, it has, and a new device involving the motor rotations on a PC allows the user to make out with a long distance lover, albeit a bit coldly.

The Kiss Transmission Device may be gross by some standards, but for others it appears to be just the thing to express long distance emotions. Developed in Tokyo’s Kajimoto Laboratory, the device, which is a plastic box with a movable straw attached, resembles a breathalyzer.

The machine works via two little plastic boxes with plastic straws. The twirling of the straw around the tongue of each user creates a synthetic but well-intentioned kiss.

Still in a developmental stage, this device would permit the computer to read and store “kissing information” and then, depending on the mood of the user, play this data back for company on long and sleepless nights.

“It’s being billed as a device to lessen the love miles between long distance lovers, but If you have a popular entertainer use this device and record it, then it could become hugely popular if you offer it to fans,” says Nobuhiro Takahashi, a graduate student and researcher at the University of Electro-Communications.

Check out this video below featuring Mr. Takahashi demonstrating how this device works.

Will the expression, “kiss and tell” take on different meanings as we pas through the Space Age?

Only time (and many kisses) will tell the affectionate truth.

source : weirdasianes.

Japan’s New Kissing Machine: For That Long Distance Smooch