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Islington girl hopes to be Miss Asian Model 2011

Chandni Deb
An Islington teenager is hoping to be crowned an Asian beauty queen and win a place in the finals of Miss England.

Chandni Deb, 17, who lives off Camden Road, Holloway, is competing with 37 other girls to win the Miss Asian Model 2011.

The winner of this competition will book a place in the Miss England grand final at the NEC in Birmingham in July.

Miss Deb, a former pupil at Highbury Fields School, in Highbury Hill, said: “I was really surprised to be chosen. This is my first ever beauty contest so it is really exciting.”

Miss Deb is a student at the Westminster Kingsway College, in King’s Cross, and was once a pupil of Grafton Primary School, in Eburne Road, Holloway.

She hopes to follow in the footsteps of the model Kim Kardashian.

The winner of Miss Asian Model will be announced at the Punk club in Soho Street on June 12 and people can vote up until that date.

To vote for Chandni text 21Chandni to 84205 or call 0901661537

source : london24

Islington girl hopes to be Miss Asian Model 2011


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