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How You Might Attract Asian Girls

asian girls
Power and money are the universal aphrodisiacs that are the quick answer to how to attract Asian women. The problem is that few women get the chance to meet rich and powerful men because there are very few about, and those that are do not need to search for new girls. They already have a large supply of willing females to choose from.

Thankfully there are other ways of being attractive. Some young men believe fondly that a firm and well muscled body will attract girls. They go to the gym and spend pain, time and effort developing large muscles and especially firm abdomen muscles. Alas, few are impressed by muscles just as plain brown female birds appear unimpressed by fancy feathers. The boys themselves may gain satisfaction from admiring themselves in the mirror.

Some men may go the style route and try to dress up in modish clothes or colour their hair blue. This is risky because it is unlikely to attract the broad spectrum of people who tend to look beyond the surface. They may be more impressed by cleanliness and decent hygiene. Although too polite to mention such things aloud they will note them silently.

Eastern girls are a great deal more canny than their Western counterparts. They will take into account such mercenary matters as a reliable job, investments and most importantly the ownership of a house, and preferably a business attached to it. These things are not the same as money, but are the sources of it. They like to have the assurance that the source of cash is secure.

Social standing is also a matter of concern. A loner is definitely a doubtful starter but a married man seems more reliable. The fact that he is already married might not be such a deterrent as it might be for a Western woman. After all, a system of concubines existed in China for many centuries and few Asian women have been brought up in the Western traditions of Christian Puritanism which might as well be Greek to them. Stability is more important than fidelity.

Asian women are often interested in Western men because their own male counterparts are quite blase about the beauty of their girls. However, initial interest is a very different matter to commitment. In order to cement a superficial relationship gifts are essential. Gold, silver and expensive clothes are the preferred gifts, but help for other family members is also very high on the list. Such gifts may keep an interest alive but will not necessary secure reciprocation beyond a polite expression of gratitude. In a curious way the accepting of gifts becomes some sort of favour that the recipient confers upon the giver. Perhaps this is confirmation that there is more pleasure in giving than in receiving.

The mystery of how to attract Asian women to the point of ultimate commitment returns in the end to the universal solution that applies to all women across the world. Money and power are irresistible but in light of the fact that these are in short supply the ultimate answer is in one four letter word – trust.

Gay men are often popular women because they are themselves when they are with women, and do appear as sexual predators, out for their own pleasure. Though they man not need it they have the key to how to attract Asian women.

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How You Might Attract Asian Girls


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