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Charmaine Sheh & Raymond Lam totally into character – sells cuteness, no discrimination

Charmaine Sheh
Charmaine Sheh, Raymond Lam, Toby Leung, Pierre Ngo and Catherine Chow attended the My Sister of Eternal Flower - My Fair Lady Plan promotional event. When speaking of Raymond's role said to be discriminating the mentally challenged, Charmaine supports her partner and expressed that everyone was very into character when they were shooting the series and did not take note of that issue. However, if this caused the related parties unhappiness, she feels very sorry and said: "Well I did expressed the cute side of the mentally challenged, I hope to bring entertainment to a wide range of citizens. By no means did we try to discriminate them." Some people think that Charmaine's outer appearance is too beautiful and does not look like a mentally challenged person. Towards this, Charmaine smiled widely and expressed: "How to answer?"She said that each person's looks are different. Some mentally challenged children are very well spirited and cute. Their capability of absorbing is rather weak, but they are able to handle the basis of living.

As for her manager reacting poorly to the complaints, Charmaine felt that there is a misunderstanding, she said: "I will try my best to go handle this issue. We collaborated for 10 years and it has always went smoothly. (Are you standing on her side?) Of course, and I do accept opinions too. I will continue to work hard at improving and doing my best."

Charmaine Sheh
When speaking of Raymond's comedic acts in the series, he said he never thought he has the skills to be in a comedy series and can finally put down a big rock. Raymond also heard that there are good public response for the series and felt very happy about it: "A behind-the-scenes staff told me that his 6 year old daughter watches too. Such a suitable series for both young and old. I personally watch myself, never have I done such a funny role and this is a new experience for me." During the interview, a red vein was spotted on his neck, Raymond laughed and said it's just an allergy.

As for the good response, Charmaine happily said: "I know a lot of kids like to watch including my nephew. His mom told him to go to sleep and he started crying saying he wanted to watch."

Source: Oriental Daily, Singtao
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU

source : hongkongmorning

Charmaine Sheh and Raymond Lam totally into character – sells cuteness, no discrimination


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