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Blackie Chen and Christine Fan not yet legally married

Blackie Chen and Christine Fan
TAIPEI: Taiwan television host Blackie Chen and singer Christine Fan are technically still not married!

Chen revealed Thursday that the couple had actually forgotten about changes in Taiwan's laws, which require couples to register their marriage before being considered legally married, and had not yet registered their union, reported Taiwan media.

He said they had forgotten to register their marriage three days before their moving May 7 church wedding as the law required.

"She (Fan) was busy shooting commercials and was not in Taiwan. I was busy too so we forgot," explained Chen.

He told reporters that the couple will immediately register their marriage with Taiwan authorities once Fan (who is currently not in Taiwan) returns, in order to have their marriage recognised in the eyes of the law.

The only hitch is that they will not be able to register May 7 as their wedding day, because marriage registrations are not retroactive, but Chen said they did not mind.

"We are Christians so [whatever] date is fine. In the future, she can choose whatever date she wants to have as our wedding anniversary," said Chen.

"This is really an experience!

"This is also our first time getting married!" Chen mused on his micro blog on Friday, alluding to good friend Barbie Hsu's previous explanation that her disastrous wedding to husband Wang Xiao Fei earlier this year was due to it being their "first time getting married".


Blackie Chen and Christine Fan not yet legally married


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