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You know you live in Cambodia when..

  1. Hello Kitty silk pajamas start looking like a good alternative for daywear.
  2. Crossing the street reminds you of playing the game Frogger.
  3. Answering to "Bong" becomes commonplace.
  4. Living through driving a moto becomes a feat that you are constantly proud of, every time you get off said moto.
  5. You start saying "No problem, no problem" after everything.
  6. Smiling and nodding is your main form of communication.
  7. Vaguely pointing is how you give directions.
  8. You run into at least one person you know everywhere you go.
  9. You can easily balance your family of 8 people on your moto, including your 10 chickens.
  10. You start talking to the little lizards that have taken up residence in your home.
  11. You constantly smell faintly of exhaust fumes, sweat, and trash.
  12. You think the safest motos to ride on are the ones that look the oldest and junkiest because these are the least likely to be targeted for purse snatching (never mind the fact that you are a blantanly obvious white girl).
  13. Wearing a helmet is only mandatory during the day when the cops are out.
  14. The more stickers you have on your moto/tuk-tuk, the cooler you are.
  15. You get escorted while at clubs like you are VIP. Because you actually ARE VIP.
  16. You find yourself grabbing 16 cans of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup off the shelf at your grocery store because you might not see this again for another 6 months and chance's are that you will be sick in that amount of time.
  17. Wedding's are not a cause for celebration, especially when they are right outside your house and you can't think because of the incessant, constant noise.
  18. Rain, any type of rain, causes the streets to be rapidly replaced by rivers. Kind of like a third-world Venice, albeit a very dirty one, without the boats.
  19. Paying more than $10 for anything starts to feel like a rip-off and a personal affront.
  20. The power goes out in your office at least twice a day and you have to listen to all the back-up battery packs beap until it comes back on.