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10 Reasons Why Guys Love Asian Girls

asia girl

The physical appeal of Asian girls is undeniable. Their long, silky hair…slim, firm, petite bodies…and even the graceful way that they walk. (Asian girls tend to move in a poised, sensuous way — while many Western women tend to stride or charge ahead in a more determined, almost masculine, manner — like an NFL linebacker looking to put a hit on the quarterback!)
I’m sure you get turned on by their sensual, exotic features. And of course, Asian girls possess a sense of innocence that makes us curious to know more about them. It’s a turn-on to think that beneath that shy, polite exterior lies a simmering sexuality that is waiting to be unleashed!
But if you were to admit this preference to a Western woman, she’d probably respond with scorn. She’ll assume that your attraction to Asian girls is all about wanting a “submissive slave” who will wait on you hand and foot and cater to your sexual needs.
This couldn’t be farther from the truth, and you already know this if you’ve been with Asian girls. The Asian girls I’ve dated have been smart, self-sufficient, opinionated and strong. Yet they make a man feel like…well, like a MAN!
This is the way you and I were born to feel, and it’s what we need in order to feel happy and good about ourselves. Just ask any of your married buddies who have been beaten down and emasculated by their nagging, overbearing wives.
Having an attraction towards Asian girls isn’t any weird “fetish,” nor does it suggest that you are in any way deficient or unable to handle a relationship with a woman of your own race. On the contrary, I say that you are enlightened! You’re willing to think “outside the box” and not follow the same script that your friends do — the guys who settle for whatever girl they can get, because they’re convinced that in order to date stunningly beautiful women (or a hot younger woman) you need to be rich, famous or have movie-star good looks.
These guys accept the idea that they’re never going to be with a hot, sexy, hard-bodied woman who respects and adores them — and so, once they reach a certain age, they marry a girl who they think is “compatible” with them (which usually means, she’s as boring and ordinary as he is).
But how many of these guys wind up being truly happy and sexually fulfilled? Personally, I don’t know of many. I just know that a lot of married friends of mine beg their wives for the chance to hang out with me. They tell their wives that they need to come over to Asia and visit me “for business,” but the real reason is that they know I will introduce them to beautiful, affectionate Asian girls.
Look, we’re all driven by the same needs and desires that we shared with our ancestors 10,000 years ago. We are hard-wired to be men. We desire women who are soft and feminine, and respond to our masculinity and strength. Asian women cater to this need like no other type of female.
I believe there are a number of valid, important reasons why men find Asian girls so appealing. Some of these reasons, we’re not even aware of on a conscious level.
Here are some of the big ones. (Note, these characteristics do not apply to all Asian girls. I’m talking about the caliber of Asian girls that you’ll want to meet and be with.)

10 Reasons To Date Asian Girls

#1 They have strong sexual appeal.
The silky hair; flawless skin; petite, hard bodies; and exotic Oriental features add up to combination that a lot of men find irresistible.
Plus, anatomically, the Asian face (particularly the women with more Oriental features) is constructed so that it seems to convey less expression and emotion than the faces of Caucasian people. The construct of their faces makes Asian women more “difficult to read” than Caucasian women, who tend to express and share their feelings constantly (whether we’re in the mood to know about their feelings, or not!).
This gives Asian girls an air of mystery and unpredictability, which is deeply attractive to men — because we’re hard-wired to thrive on the thrill of the hunt.
Asian women also have excellent skin quality, and tend to develop less wrinkles than Caucasian woman as they get older — which is why Asian women can remain strikingly beautiful well into middle age.
#2 They tend to be quite approachable.
In my experience, there is no question that Asian women are more approachable than Western women and they love being flirted with. Simply walk up to most Asian women, give them a warm smile, and say to them in their native language, “You’re so pretty,” and you’ll often get a smile in return — and that will be enough to start a conversation. With an American woman, this would probably get you a dirty look (or worse).
The fact is, Asian women smile more. It’s part of their culture. You can tour provinces in the Philippines that are poorer than anything you’ve ever seen, and the people (and the women, in particular) will always greet you with a smile.
Thailand is literally known as “The Land Of Smiles” because people smile all the time. (This can be confusing to foreigners, since the “Thai smile” can actually mean a lot of different things — I explain this in the “Secrets Of Dating Asian Women” book. But at any rate, it beats being around a bunch of frowning, frumpy Western women!)
Try walking around a shopping mall in Bangkok, Jakarta or Manila — your mind will be blown by how many pretty young women are simply willing to smile at you when you make eye contact.
Contrast this with the hot women in America. They will frown most of the time in order to assert that they can’t be bothered with meeting anyone new. They will automatically consider you to be a loser, or some type of threat, until you prove otherwise.
Of course, a lot of Asian women are much shyer than Western women — or seem to be shy, until you engage them in a friendly way and get them to open up.
Don’t think that their shy exterior makes Asian women more difficult to approach. In fact, you’ll find that part of their shyness stems from their great concern with being polite.
At that point, the key is knowing how to build their interest and attraction. The “Secrets Of Dating Asian Women” program will show you how to do that.
#3 They are excellent homemakers, and take pride in managing the household.
Visit a home run by an Asian woman, and you’ll find that it is always organized and clean. The meals are prepared with care, the husband always wears clean clothes, and the children are well-fed and neatly dressed. Unless your Asian sweetheart is from a rich family that employed servants, she was helping out with household duties starting at a young age.
Even the poorest families keep their living space as clean as possible. In Asia, women will always make sure that your home is clean, and they will take pride in cooking your meals and keeping you well-fed.
#4 They have a rich sense of culture and heritage.
Many Westerners are fascinated by the colorful, exotic, mysterious cultures of Asia, which are steeped in history. In recent times, Asia has gotten a reputation as being rather trendy among Westerners. This is particularly true with Japan, which Westerners have begun to recognize as a Mecca for fashion. (Japanese girls are years ahead of Western girls, with their super-cool, futuristic styles of dress. Click here to learn exactly how to pick up Japanese girls.)
Why else would so many Caucasians, both men and women, put tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters on their bodies, thinking it makes them look hip and “spiritual” — even though they’ve never even visited those countries? (Very lame, if you ask me…)
By dating an Asian woman, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more her fascinating culture — including its beliefs, traditions, music, cuisine, movies, arts, and history. This isn’t the case when you date a woman who grew up in the town next to yours. Being able to constantly learn new things about her culture, while sharing yours with her, can be a big advantage in a relationship. There is less chance of the two of you growing bored with each other. When you date an Asian woman and have genuine appreciation for her culture and background, there are new things for you to explore every day.
#5 Asian women place a high value on relationships and have unconditional love for their family.
Another attractive aspect of Asian women is that unlike most of their counterparts in Western countries, they put tremendous value on their families and relationships. Choose the right partner, and she’ll be highly loyal to you and will avoid doing anything that will damage the relationship. This tends to bring out the best in you as a man.
Did you know that the Philippines is one of only two countries in the world where there is no divorce? It does not exist. Filipinas are raised to believe that when they marry, it is for life. Even in other, more developed Asian countries (where there is divorce), it is considered a shameful last resort — unlike in Western countries, where the attitude isn’t until “til death us part.” It’s more like, “Let’s give it a try, and if it’s not working out six months from now, I’ll take your house and half your money, dumbass…”
Again, I must remind you that I am speaking in general terms here. Are all Asian women passionately loyal and committed to their relationships? Of course not. There are plenty of warped women and gold diggers out there; you’ve got to keep your wits about you and know to avoid them. (Which can be difficult when you find yourself dating an Asian girl with the tightest body you’ve ever laid your hands on!) The “Secrets Of Dating Asian Women” book contains some very helpful tips on this.
#6 We believe the attraction is mutual.
A big reason why a lot of guys “hone in” on Asian girls is that they’ve been told that Asian women are as attracted to foreigners as we are to them. This idea of a “mutual fascination” is appealing to guys who are tired of jumping through hoops to try to date Western women.
If you are reasonably attractive and have light skin, it is true that many Asian girls will have a built-in automatic attraction towards you. Part of this comes from their desire to have light-skinned children, since light skin, in their culture, is considered beautiful and high-status.
#7 Dealing with interracial stigmas is not really an issue.
Western society is a lot more tolerant of other races than it was 100, or even 50, years ago. In America, we elected a black President, which would have been unthinkable only a decade ago. But racism does persist in different forms, and there is still some unease in the West when it comes to interracial relationships.
For example, a white man marrying a black woman, or a black man marrying a white woman, is still considered unacceptable (or at least, inappropriate) in the minds of many Westerners. This isn’t usually the case when a Western man hooks up with an Asian woman. It has been accepted for quite a while. I’m not saying this is a reason to choose Asian girls over those of another race, but the reality is, going this route does make it easier for you to “cross the racial divide” if you choose a woman who is not of your own race.
Interracial relationships between non-Asian men, and Asian women, have become very common. And it’s silly for some people to think that the differences in your upbringing and culture, and those of an Asian woman, will create difficulties. In fact, these differences can give the relationship an added dimension that keeps things interesting.
(One difference in backgrounds that can create obstacles is if you marry an Asian woman who comes from a very poor family, since you may be expected to provide financial support for her relatives. I talk more about this in the “Secrets Of Dating Asian Women” book.)
But as far as the difference between your culture and hers, it shouldn’t present any problems. If any of your friends or family members have an issue with you being with a woman who you love — simply because she is Asian — they need to get with the times and broaden their horizons. (I find that most people who take a dim view of my preference for Asian girls are, themselves, starving for companionship or trapped in miserable relationships with women of their own race.)
#8 They are spiritually grounded.
Many Asian girls observe a religion and take it seriously. Whether she worships God, Buddha or whomever, religion tends to give Asian girls a sense of calmness and inner peace that many Western women lack. Asian girls don’t need to do constant “soul searching” and fret about what is lacking in their lives. For the Asian woman, a loving partner, a happy, healthy household, and the love of her family and God is enough.
#9 They have a hardworking nature.
Asian girls typically start helping out their families from a very young age, waking up early to help out with house-hold chores. This is a dramatic difference from the way children are typically raised in Western countries. Also, they believe in working hard in order to provide a better future for their families.
This is evident in immigrant communities throughout the Western world; they’ll work 24 hours a day if it means being able to send money home and enabling family members to migrate there and join them. These people respect the value of hard work — and a woman from this type of background is not going to turn into a spoiled “princess” once you marry her.
#10 Asian girls take great pride in their appearance.
Even if they’re only stepping out to shop for groceries, Asian girls always want to look presentable. Going to the salon is a ritual. They feel it’s important to stay sexy for their man. This is a far cry from the way many Western women behave once they’re married and no longer need to worry about landing a husband. They start packing on the pounds, and would rather wear sweat pants and baggy shirts than the short skirts and tight-fitting jeans that sexy Asian women prefer.
(If you’re still wondering why Western women have negative things to say about Western guys who marry Asian girls…can you say “jealousy?”)

The Easy Way To Attract Asian Girls

It took me a long time to figure out how to date and attract Asian girls, and how to make Asian girls feel that powerful physical and emotional response called ATTRACTION. Try out the Secrets Of Dating Asian Women program and learn how to attract an endless supply of beautiful Asian girls into your life.

10 Reasons Why Guys Love Asian Girls


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