There are some guys who prepare Brazilian goddesses like Giselle Bundchen while others prefer the all American hotties like Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston while it is still quite a big mystery on what makes guys develop a fetish for specific types of girls, rather, a specific race, is doesn’t help but take a shot on their dream girl.
A lot of guys have grown a fond liking for Asian women, may it be for their rich culture, their unique eyes, their porcelain and milky skin or their lithe frames, there may be various reasons why they are falling for these Oriental beauties but how to snag one is a completely different story.
As for each culture, they all have their own sets of “Dos and Don’ts” so if you really want to impress you Asian girl, do your research on what they do in her country and not get things messed up. It’s actually best to just tell your fate politely that you don’t know rather than act like a know-it-all and just end up making a fool of yourself.
Attracting Asian girls is really no rocket science, they’re pretty much like other girls, the only difference is that they’re of different descent and just like any other person, they would greatly appreciate it that you respect their traditions and views. As for physical tastes, of course it varies depending on what the girl wants. Some can look pass not being Asian while there are those who wants to stick with their own kind. It may seem unfair but just respect her decision and don’t take it as being a racist, it’s just a matter of preference.
Also, don’t try to bore her to death with how much information that you know about her country because more often than not, she’s already heard it a million times over and knows it like the back of her hand. While she will appreciate your “genuine†likeness with her roots, you can just drop the act because what she wants to know more about is you.
Generally, just be yourself around her and try to have good time but if all else still fails then it is time to move on. There’s no point in concentrating on someone who’s clearly not into you. Like other girls out there, there are still a lot of Asian girls out there who might just be your perfect match.