Actress Choi Ji Woo will reveal her bare face with no make-up on the next "Happy Sunday - Two days and one night."
A special preview that featured six actresses who will appear on next Sunday's episode was shown at the end of the May 15 "Happy Sunday - Two days and one night" episode on KBS-2TV.
In particular, star actress Choi Ji Woo received much of the spotlight for her natural fashion, sporting a simple white shirt and grey sweatsuit as well as showing a bare face with no make-up.
During the preview, comments such as, "They look like they just stepped out of a movie," "No exceptions for actresses, highly competitive and irritable due to hunger," and, "It is time for actresses to risk losing face," came up on the screen, raising expectations for the show.
Netizens responded, "The upcoming special episode will certainly have great success. I hope Saturday comes quickly," "The frank attitudes of actresses are arousing a good feeling," and, "You are beautiful in spite of no make-up."
Writer: TV Report
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